If you do not successfully pass the DMV knowledge test three times, you must successfully complete an 8-hour Driver's Manual Course before you can take the test a fourth time.
Important Note : The completion date of the driver's manual
re-examination course must be after the date of your third knowledge test failure! !
Our 8-hour online course is based on the Virginia Driver's Manual and is designed to better prepare individuals to successfully pass the DMV General Knowledge Test. 1 Call Does It All - Driver Training Consultants, is licensed by the Virginia DMV.
Important Note : Classes taken at a driver improvement clinic do not meet the requirement !
When you have successfully completed the course, 1 Call Does It All - Driver Training Consultants, will provide you with a certificate of completion. Study the
Virginia Driver's Manual and take the
Sample Knowledge Exam before attempting to retaking the DMV knowledge test.
If you do not successfully pass the DMV knowledge test three times, you must successfully complete an 8-hour Driver's Manual Course before you can take the test a fourth time.
Important Note : The completion date of the driver's manual
re-examination course must be after the date of your third knowledge test failure! !
Our 8-hour in-person insturctor led classroom course is based on the Virginia Driver's Manual and is designed to better prepare individuals to successfully pass the DMV General Knowledge Test who are not comfortable doing the online course.
Important Note : Classes taken at a driver improvement clinic do not meet the requirement !
1 Call Does It All - Driver Training Consultants, is licensed by the Virginia DMV to provide the the Virginia Drivers Manual Re-Examination Course. When you have successfully completed this course, 1 Call Does It All - Driver Training Consultants, will provide you with a certificate of completion. Study the Virginia Driver's Manual and take the Sample Knowledge Exam before attempting to retaking the DMV knowledge test.
Online Teen Driver Education Course
Adult Waiver ( DTS D )
Online Driver Education Course
30 Hour Course (36 fifty-minute classroom sessions)
1 Call Does It All - Driver Training Consultants is now offering Virginia Teen and Adult Driver Education Courses Online. In order to benefit from these courses, you must be able to work independently and be comfortable when using a computer.
Teen Eligibility
You must be at least 15 years and 6 months old to take this online driver education course. All individuals who elect to take the classroom component of the driver’s education course online must take the online course through a DMV licensed driver training school. Home-schooled students are exempt from this requirement.
Adult Waiver (DTS D) Eligibility
This online course meets part (1) , the classroom component, of the two (2) part program which is for Adults (ages 18 and over) that currently have a valid Learners Permit , issued by the Virginia DMV, who want to WAIVE the DMV required 60 days holding period.
Failing The DMV Knowledge Test 3 Times
If you’re under 18 and have failed the DMV knowledge test three times, you must take the 30 hour Driver’s Education Knowledge class. If you already took and passed the 30 hour version, then you are eligible to take the 8-hour Driver’s Manual Re-Examination Course.
Address: Street, City, State and Ziphandyman@mail.com